Thursday, August 20, 2009

For my English teacher

I kind of liked the idea I did with the first post here, so why not keep going? This one is for my English teacher, Mr. Hallman, for just being an awesome person and teacher. He's a former Marine and missionary, and is now a high school teacher and preacher. He knows all theses different languages and sometimes uses them to yell at us. Some of the things he does in class are he won't accept "I don't know" as an answer, makes us do push ups if we say it or just do something wrong in general, and sometimes makes us take a lap around the school building. He really makes us think and explains stuff thoroughly, and isn't afraid to pull the Bible into the conversation. (But this is the south, most schools do that anyway.) I just wanted to -thumbs-up- and congratulate him on the first impression he's given me... :)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

For my brother

Today while in STEM class (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics, a.k.a. some class you'll never use in real life) we were supposed to write about this self help book our teacher's making us read. My brother, being the random kind of random that he is, typed in a bunch of nonsense, copy and pasted it, then spammed his word program with it. After that, he got other guys to start doing it too. You ever tried that?..... You ever do it so much that it crashed the program? Cause that almost happened to one of them. I gotta tell ya, as dumb as it was, it sure was fun to watch.

Yeah, this is mainly cause I told him that I was going to go home and blog about this.

(And by the way, Alex almost got to 10,000,000 words. Takes dedication to sit there for that long ;) )