Friday, November 27, 2009

YouTube Commentary: The Shinra Files

Since this blog is majorly devoid of posts (and I'm totally bored right now) I decided I'll take YouTube videos and add my own commentary to them. I did this on a video from Crisis Core and had a lot of fun, so here goes... the video I've picked is The Shinra Files - Episode 1 from JenxtheJinx.

"I'll go check the X-Box 360." Best. Line. Ever. Mainly cause it sounds like something I would say. That's not conceited at all. Uhh... Reno FTW! Gotta ask though, what's with the fire extinguisher?

"I swear it wasn't my fault and I didn't kill him..." Gotta add that last bit so nobody will freak out after hearing someone scream.

Have I mentioned how much I love these guys? Hilarious, always, and unlike a lot of cosplayers I've seen, they have great costumes AND story lines.

2:24 Reno looks drunk and butt raped...

"How does it feel to be a member of the Turks?" "Uh, underpaid?" Kelly's fantastic. She plays stupid well. That's supposed to be a compliment, but when I read it it doesn't sound much like one... Oops.


He pulled on the handle!

3:57 .... Awkward positions....

"Sometimes I wish I was a pony." Don't we all, Reno. Don't we all.... Then headdesk, "I don't wanna second job!" Totally agree. My only job is school, and I would hate to do anything else. It would cut into my video game and YouTube time.

Powerpuff Girls wallpaper FTW (can you tell that's my new favorite acronym?)

"I own the world." No, Rufus, that's not important at all...

"Reno, look, naked people!" "Where?" Epic win!

"That's a lampshade and a cardboard tube." "Use your effin imagination." Am I the only one who thinks of this?

Saix - err - Rude puppy?

"Ignore the man with the mustache, he's cool." Man, I love this...

Wow, that was all of it? I guess I'm thinking of Part 2, too. Well, I had fun. :D

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Me and my Torture Device

I have had the worst afflicted upon me -- braces. Sure, getting them put on didn't really hurt, but right now, ooohhhh, I took two extra strength Tylenol about an hour ago, brushed my teeth for about 10 minutes, and am eating warm soup and my teeth are still killing me. But, this is what I've learned so far from having braces...

1. No Tootsie Rolls. Trust me.

2. Basically, no good food in general. If it's hard or squishy, don't eat it.

3. The second day should be the worst of it. (I'm trusting Darby and Brittany on this...)

4. The most annoying thing ever is people who say, "Ohh, braces? Lemme see!"

So yeah, I'm having a great time with these.

That was sarcasm.


But if you're getting braces, getting them on isn't really painful (no needles involved, thank God), but the next day or so are torture. But it's pretty fun to learn how to eat again AND you can loose weight because you're mostly eating better and slower, making you fuller faster. Yay optimism! My best advice is patience and lots and lots of Tylenol.