I have had a busy day! My dad took me shopping for my birthday (Sweet 16, heeeeey!) and here's a non-photographic rendition of what all went down.
Our first destination was Wal-Mart where I got......
(wait for it; drumroll, if you please, Tommy, haha!)
Left 4 Dead 2!
Yes, one of my favorite purchases of the day, I can now shoot zombies in the gut on a mere whim. Mindless, brain-eating flesh-bags will cower at the mention of my sniper rifle, my AK-47, and the frying pan I found in that shack back at the swampy camp ground.
Except for the witch. She can go cry in her emo corner and, y'know, not kill me...
Next place, which I drove to, was the mall in Tupelo. We had some time to kill, so we decided to go to Old Navy and all first. It kind of freaked me out driving through there though, and I turned in the wrong places sometimes, but I made it there in one piece. Got a t-shirt and some cargo pants at Old Navy. I know, I was bad. No more t-shirts, I promise!... Yeah. Well I got my pants on clearance and the shirt was a special thingy, so only about $10 altogether. (Lemmetellya, I wanted some cargo pants like nobodies business!)
We walked over to Sally's, but it wasn't open yet. Then we walked over to Rue 21. Which wasn't open yet. Nooooo!
OK, dad didn't think it was such a hot idea for me to drive again, so he drove us over to the mall. We kind of had to sit for a little while and wait on the stores to open, but I figured since most of the good stores were on one side, we'd go down the other one to kill some time. Barnes and Noble was down the cruddy side and once I got in there, by the time I got out, everything was open. I got a book called The Hunger Games, which my English teacher had told us about. I was also THISCLOSE to buying this other book, called Infinity, but it was $20. Oh, but the promise of witches, werewolves, and zombies was so tempting!
More walking, along with my commentary of various stores. (Buckle = Expen$ive, maxRave = has-been store, A&E = smells good, but that's it, etc.) Went in American Eagle because I saw this really cute shirt in there, but it was actually 3 different pieces. I hate when stores do that because it looks so cute, but is so expensive! And often not the right size, but anyway. Aeropostale was much more promising, got a shirt on sale (which looks great, btw) and two tank tops (also kind of sale-ish.) Oh, and we had to walk in GameStop, just to satisfy my sick need of being surrounded with hundreds of games.
For the first time in forever, I went in Claire's. Part of what got me in there was a Glee ad, and partly to see if their earrings were as cute as they were three years ago. I did end up buying some earrings, a ring (with a strawberry on it!), some bobby pins, and a stuffed penguin. I know, I'm a sucker for the little guys. Next came Ulta, where I spent way more than I meant to. I was looking for the China Glaze and OPI nail polishes and found the China ones first with a sale. I got 3, haha! I'm a sucker for nail polish. It's amazing, by the way. I've used two of them already and they've lasted through a bath, whoo! Didn't pick up any OPI, though, since it was $12.50 a bottle. I just don't believe in spending a fortune on makeup! Anyway, I also found those Maybellene Color Sensation things. It's a lip stain instead of a gloss or lipstick. I love it since it doesn't feel like I'm wearing anything. Kind of dries out your lips a little, though, so I'd suggest a good lip balm or gloss if you get any. (Eos lip balm, anyone?) Also found this concealer, but I'll wait until tomorrow to find out if it works. So far it's been worth the $35 I spent in there, haha! (Eventually I just had to make myself get out of there, so yeah, it could've been disastrous!)
Because it was my birthday and my daddy loves me and all, he drove back so I could go in Rue 21. Shirt on sale and some perfume. It's called Tarea and is my new favorite! And cheap to boot. Sales = <3
Dad had also been looking for a Coca Cola flavored slushie, and guess what we found? Slushies!:)
Oooh, this was so cool. Dad drove over to the Elvis Presley memorial thing and I got to see his house! Ahh it was so cool! Gah, I'm a dork, haha.