Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas Games!

Ah, Christmas has just past and you know what that means...

New video games!

Since we had Christmas Eve at my house this year, my nephew and I both got a look at the games we got. He got Halo: Reach and I got Assassin's Creed Brotherhood. Mad love, thanks sis! <3

(FYI, this is a review post. Pretty much not gonna touch my other blog simply because of it's unpopularity. Blah.)

So we tried AC first since it has multiplayer and we're both huge fans, but X-Box Live is required for multi. Kinda disappointing, but it makes sense because we'd be able to see each other's movements and all. So we put in Halo and....

Michael, Dakota, John, I owe you an apology for complaining about y'all talking so much about Reach. It's pretty much amazing.

As far as Halo goes, that is. The only other one I've played is 3 and I just couldn't get into it. Reach, however, feels so much smoother in the controls. And the guns on the back of the ATV-thingies (Warthogs?) rotate 360 instead of 180! -is such a noob-

Long story short, I might actually be interested in Halo now.

Now Brotherhood, on the other hand, is nothing short of my expectations. First thing I said was something like, "Yes, we finally get to explore Rome! Ah Roma, Italia, mama mia~" OK, not really that last part, but now I do wish I'd paid more attention when learning Italian in school...

Brotherhood really builds on to what ACII left off (including the total WTF ending!) Ezio comes equipped with pretty much everything available in ACII and a few new things like the crossbow and ax. Certain citizens are available for recruiting and adding them to the 'Brotherhood', hence the name. Think they just sit around and collect dust? No, I can't tell you how many times my assassins have come in handy. Also, female assassins! Chalk one up for the women!

There are new parts to the memories as well. For one, they're now replayable! YAY! But also there are certain conditions to get 100%, such as completing a task within a time limit or not being detected by guards. It changes for each memory, but adds a nice touch and something else to obsess over for perfectionists like me. I'll be busy for a while, though. My map is so full of markers I can't even find myself.

Also new, you can leave the Animus anytime you want. I know what you're thinking. "Desmond's story kind of sucks, why would I leave?" Well, Desmond's got some action now! (No, not that kind, you perv. But come on, we all know he and Lucy have something.) Anyway, like I said, the new base is in 2012 Monteriggionni and you can run around outside! For ten minutes. And nothing's really out there. But hey, there may be later on, I'm only on like sequence 4.

I don't want to give away everything right now, but the last thing I must rave about is the true-to-life-ness of it all. Depending on the subject, I'm a bit of a history buff, and Rome and the Renaissance are definitely hot topics. Rome is HUGE, and you can explore places like the Roman Colosseum and the Pantheon (two places I'd love love LOVE to see but probably won't). Also, Ezio's 40-ish now and I really get the feel of his aging. Things like little grunts after a short fall and complaining about his back are nice touches. Don't worry, though, he's still that loveable, charismatic man-whore we've come to love... What? No? Just me? Well, I do love a man in assassin's robes...

I'm kind of a loser, huh?

Thursday, December 23, 2010


This is my mind's way of saying "Michael, NEVER dye your hair!"

So I had this dream one night were I was walking out of Vo-Tech to get on the bus. When I got on, Michael was sitting and talking to Cagle and his hair was red-orange, but his bangs were still blonde. It. Was. HORRIBLE. So next I'm sitting in the middle of a road with Dakota and Michael comes up and starts talking to us. We've finally had enough of it and make him go and dye his hair back to normal.

Yeah. My dreams are weird.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

End-of-Year Ramble

I'm done with school! YAY! .... Until January. Oh well, better than nothing, right? Anyway, here's a reflection of last year...

2010 has been really different for me. I've learned to drive (going to get my license on the 15th), found out who my friends were, spent Thanksgiving at home, and got a fantastic English score. And this is all just recent stuff!

I'll admit, I had no idea where to start this.

The friends thing may actually be part of a misunderstanding. I'm not elaborating, but some people know what I'm talking about. I'm kind of glad he's gone, if I think about it, because something's been up with him and I wasn't liking it. I do miss having someone to talk to all the time, though. And by chance, I've mad two new great friends, all from lunch. Awesome, huh? They mean a lot to me.

We spent Thanksgiving at home for - I think - the first time in my life. Family can be so finicky. "Sorry" for being "masses of in-laws" and loving my sister. But my sister's family did come over and we had a blast! I think that was the night I went over to their place and we played Left 4 Dead until midnight. Oh zombies, how I love to kill thee.

You know how we have to take these huge state tests every year? Well, we had the writing one at the end of November and just got the scores back. I got the first 4 Smithville's ever had! (4 is the highest score.) Yeah, I was pretty excited.

OK, so I'm kind of out of stuff to talk about. Really I wanted to type this so I could thank all the people I know just for being here for me, even though most of them will never see this.

Kim, Summer, Brianna, Nykia, Michael, Dakota, I love you guys! Merry Christmas <3

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Holy mess, I'm not dead! I have, however, been EXTREMELY busy.

I've had some band competitions recently (1A champs again!) and took the English II state exam yesterday. Three hours of nothing but reading. And I was one of the ones who finished early! Not to mention my World History class. Uhg, I hate it! I usually have homework every night.

Personally, some things have been good and others bad. The medicine I've got for my anxiety has be oober tired all the time. Had a rough time with one of my best friends and he won't even talk to me about it. Some family issues; this was the first year I remember us staying home on Thanksgiving. But Christmas is coming around so super excited about that! It's going to be perfect~

So yeah, just an update I guess. Hopefully I'll be able to get on here more. So yeah, bye!

* Stalk me on Twitter! @StrawberrySM *