Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Sugar Honey Ice Tea!

Y'know what? Sometimes life just smacks you in the face with reality, and it's not always fair. I admit I've expressed my opinions on here quite a few times, but that's all it is, an opinion. I don't mean much by it, it's just what comes to my mind and I enjoy putting it down somewhere. So yeah, no offense intended anywhere. Wow, that sounds kinda harsh... but I don't mean it that way.

Reality? Time flies too fast. I'm 15. I'm in the 9th grade. I can drive (with a licensed adult over the age of 21). I hate realizing these things because it happens too fast. I used to be this quiet, geeky chick with like two friends, now I'm third chair flute, a good study partner/tutor, and I'm around a bunch of people all the time.

I miss my brother, and heck, I sorta miss my used-to-be brother. I miss my Mammaw who died last March, and it keeps me from sleeping at night because I'm afraid of myself or someone I know dying. I hate that said used-to-be was seemingly really offended by a post, and yeah, he has the right to be, I'm not saying I was right. I hate that the guy I like won't look at me and won't keep a conversation with me going. I hate how someone you used to be best friends with will just up and leave one day.

More reality? I don't know, just look around you. Just thinking about it kinda makes me sick. Sometimes I wonder if it's really the best thing to have children. My sister's pregnant right now, and eventually her baby will learn about life and death and God and everything in between. Sometimes that stuff weirds me out, and what if it weirds out little Lima? (family joke) I'm concerned because it would be nice to go through life on a breeze, but you'll learn sooner or later. That kind of worrying isn't a good feeling.

I know I have problems; we all do. Yes, even you, the perfect, toothpick-waist blonde in the back. And I don't know, you've just got to do what your heart tells you. Trust in God and he won't let you down. :)

And P.S. (for kicks and giggles) -- I have a huge, puppy crush on a guy whose best friend may or may not end up reading this... Kinda hope he does though, this is for him. :)

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