Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My friends come out of the closet!

This is just a short story of something that happened today, and is dedicated to Austin, Sawyer, Wesley, and Dylan!

So we were standing around today, waiting for the bell to ring to end class, and Wesley, Austin, and Sawyer go into the storage closet (where we put our robots when we're not working on them) to look at some kind of computer. Dylan has the bright idea to go over, close the door, and hold it closed to see what they do. So Sawyer yanks the door open and everyone looks over at the doorknob, which has been pulled half way out of the door. (This is where everyone starts making 'coming out' jokes.) Mrs. Welch walks over and puts it back in place, saying something about raising three boys and having to know how to fix things. :)

Wesley calls it his first gay moment, haha!

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