A place for all the daily things in my life that make me think I'm living in a Dane Cook joke.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Christmas Games!
New video games!
Since we had Christmas Eve at my house this year, my nephew and I both got a look at the games we got. He got Halo: Reach and I got Assassin's Creed Brotherhood. Mad love, thanks sis! <3
(FYI, this is a review post. Pretty much not gonna touch my other blog simply because of it's unpopularity. Blah.)
So we tried AC first since it has multiplayer and we're both huge fans, but X-Box Live is required for multi. Kinda disappointing, but it makes sense because we'd be able to see each other's movements and all. So we put in Halo and....
Michael, Dakota, John, I owe you an apology for complaining about y'all talking so much about Reach. It's pretty much amazing.
As far as Halo goes, that is. The only other one I've played is 3 and I just couldn't get into it. Reach, however, feels so much smoother in the controls. And the guns on the back of the ATV-thingies (Warthogs?) rotate 360 instead of 180! -is such a noob-
Long story short, I might actually be interested in Halo now.
Now Brotherhood, on the other hand, is nothing short of my expectations. First thing I said was something like, "Yes, we finally get to explore Rome! Ah Roma, Italia, mama mia~" OK, not really that last part, but now I do wish I'd paid more attention when learning Italian in school...
Brotherhood really builds on to what ACII left off (including the total WTF ending!) Ezio comes equipped with pretty much everything available in ACII and a few new things like the crossbow and ax. Certain citizens are available for recruiting and adding them to the 'Brotherhood', hence the name. Think they just sit around and collect dust? No, I can't tell you how many times my assassins have come in handy. Also, female assassins! Chalk one up for the women!
There are new parts to the memories as well. For one, they're now replayable! YAY! But also there are certain conditions to get 100%, such as completing a task within a time limit or not being detected by guards. It changes for each memory, but adds a nice touch and something else to obsess over for perfectionists like me. I'll be busy for a while, though. My map is so full of markers I can't even find myself.
Also new, you can leave the Animus anytime you want. I know what you're thinking. "Desmond's story kind of sucks, why would I leave?" Well, Desmond's got some action now! (No, not that kind, you perv. But come on, we all know he and Lucy have something.) Anyway, like I said, the new base is in 2012 Monteriggionni and you can run around outside! For ten minutes. And nothing's really out there. But hey, there may be later on, I'm only on like sequence 4.
I don't want to give away everything right now, but the last thing I must rave about is the true-to-life-ness of it all. Depending on the subject, I'm a bit of a history buff, and Rome and the Renaissance are definitely hot topics. Rome is HUGE, and you can explore places like the Roman Colosseum and the Pantheon (two places I'd love love LOVE to see but probably won't). Also, Ezio's 40-ish now and I really get the feel of his aging. Things like little grunts after a short fall and complaining about his back are nice touches. Don't worry, though, he's still that loveable, charismatic man-whore we've come to love... What? No? Just me? Well, I do love a man in assassin's robes...
I'm kind of a loser, huh?
Thursday, December 23, 2010
So I had this dream one night were I was walking out of Vo-Tech to get on the bus. When I got on, Michael was sitting and talking to Cagle and his hair was red-orange, but his bangs were still blonde. It. Was. HORRIBLE. So next I'm sitting in the middle of a road with Dakota and Michael comes up and starts talking to us. We've finally had enough of it and make him go and dye his hair back to normal.
Yeah. My dreams are weird.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
End-of-Year Ramble
2010 has been really different for me. I've learned to drive (going to get my license on the 15th), found out who my friends were, spent Thanksgiving at home, and got a fantastic English score. And this is all just recent stuff!
I'll admit, I had no idea where to start this.
The friends thing may actually be part of a misunderstanding. I'm not elaborating, but some people know what I'm talking about. I'm kind of glad he's gone, if I think about it, because something's been up with him and I wasn't liking it. I do miss having someone to talk to all the time, though. And by chance, I've mad two new great friends, all from lunch. Awesome, huh? They mean a lot to me.
We spent Thanksgiving at home for - I think - the first time in my life. Family can be so finicky. "Sorry" for being "masses of in-laws" and loving my sister. But my sister's family did come over and we had a blast! I think that was the night I went over to their place and we played Left 4 Dead until midnight. Oh zombies, how I love to kill thee.
You know how we have to take these huge state tests every year? Well, we had the writing one at the end of November and just got the scores back. I got the first 4 Smithville's ever had! (4 is the highest score.) Yeah, I was pretty excited.
OK, so I'm kind of out of stuff to talk about. Really I wanted to type this so I could thank all the people I know just for being here for me, even though most of them will never see this.
Kim, Summer, Brianna, Nykia, Michael, Dakota, I love you guys! Merry Christmas <3
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
I've had some band competitions recently (1A champs again!) and took the English II state exam yesterday. Three hours of nothing but reading. And I was one of the ones who finished early! Not to mention my World History class. Uhg, I hate it! I usually have homework every night.
Personally, some things have been good and others bad. The medicine I've got for my anxiety has be oober tired all the time. Had a rough time with one of my best friends and he won't even talk to me about it. Some family issues; this was the first year I remember us staying home on Thanksgiving. But Christmas is coming around so super excited about that! It's going to be perfect~
So yeah, just an update I guess. Hopefully I'll be able to get on here more. So yeah, bye!
* Stalk me on Twitter! @StrawberrySM *
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
Weird IMMD Moment
Don't ask... But I needed this.
OHMAHGAWD nevermind, I'm leaving this room.
Boo sickiness!
But I'm sick.
We went to the doctor today. So after about three panic attacks, we go to get my prescription filled (and some ice cream, because apparently what anxiety does to me) and now I'm back at home. I was watching Batman with daddy, but it was too hot up there so now it's Don't Forget The Lyrics back in my room. Why don't I ever know any of these songs?
Anyway, that's my update. Be happy.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Products I Used... (Add on to YT Vid)
Gah, my huge nose!
Here's a link to the bubzbeauty vid! (Check her out, she's got some great tutorials!) And here's a link to my vid! (Which is not so great, but still.)
So I made this SUPER quick video about this makeup tutorial. I've put my own spin on it, but hey, that's what makeup's about! Anyway, here's what I was wearing and/or used for the video and where I got it... (Yes, this is the acutal order I do my makeup in!)
Covergirl Clean - Sensitive Skin (Foundation) in Warm Beige (#245) {Walgreens}
Covergirl FreshComplexion (Consealer) (For under my eyes, sorry, no color/#) {Walgreens}
Neutrogena SkinClearing Blemish Consealer (For acne spots) in Light (#10) {Ulta}
Covergirl TruBlend Minerals (Powder) in Translucent Fair (#405) {Wal-Mart}
Bronze Gems Bronzer, Highlighter, & Eyeshadow in Light Bronzer {Ulta}
Revlon Brow Fantasy (Eyebrow pencil) in Dark Brown {Walgreens}
10-Piece Brush Set {Wal-Mart}
L.A. Colors Eyeshadow Palette in Urban (#BEP425) [I used the yellow in the top right and a combination of the orange and pink in the bottom left] {Dollar Tree}
L.A. Colors Eyeliner/Brow Pencil (Eyeliner) in Black {Dollar General}
Maybelline Waterproof Ultra Liner in Black {Dollar General}
Japonesque Power Curl Eyelash Curler {Ulta}
Covergirl LashBlastVolume (Mascara) in Black {Fred's}
Maybelline ColorSensational Lipstain in Touch of Toffee (#95) {Ulta}
Caboodles Lipgloss in Kiss & Tell {Unknown?}
You probably noticed that most of this stuff is cheap, drugstore makeup. A, I do not believe in spending a fortune on makeup and 2, the closest high-end makeup place (Ulta) is about an hours drive from my house. But hey, this stuff works for me and feel free to use your own makeup and imagination!
Friday, September 24, 2010
I had a dream...
I think my dream was trying to tell me that even with something good (being back in Oklahoma), there's something wrong with it (my cousin, the beer, prices).
More later. I wasn't even really up to writing this.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Birthday Adventures!
Our first destination was Wal-Mart where I got......
(wait for it; drumroll, if you please, Tommy, haha!)
Left 4 Dead 2!
Yes, one of my favorite purchases of the day, I can now shoot zombies in the gut on a mere whim. Mindless, brain-eating flesh-bags will cower at the mention of my sniper rifle, my AK-47, and the frying pan I found in that shack back at the swampy camp ground.
Except for the witch. She can go cry in her emo corner and, y'know, not kill me...
Next place, which I drove to, was the mall in Tupelo. We had some time to kill, so we decided to go to Old Navy and all first. It kind of freaked me out driving through there though, and I turned in the wrong places sometimes, but I made it there in one piece. Got a t-shirt and some cargo pants at Old Navy. I know, I was bad. No more t-shirts, I promise!... Yeah. Well I got my pants on clearance and the shirt was a special thingy, so only about $10 altogether. (Lemmetellya, I wanted some cargo pants like nobodies business!)
We walked over to Sally's, but it wasn't open yet. Then we walked over to Rue 21. Which wasn't open yet. Nooooo!
OK, dad didn't think it was such a hot idea for me to drive again, so he drove us over to the mall. We kind of had to sit for a little while and wait on the stores to open, but I figured since most of the good stores were on one side, we'd go down the other one to kill some time. Barnes and Noble was down the cruddy side and once I got in there, by the time I got out, everything was open. I got a book called The Hunger Games, which my English teacher had told us about. I was also THISCLOSE to buying this other book, called Infinity, but it was $20. Oh, but the promise of witches, werewolves, and zombies was so tempting!
More walking, along with my commentary of various stores. (Buckle = Expen$ive, maxRave = has-been store, A&E = smells good, but that's it, etc.) Went in American Eagle because I saw this really cute shirt in there, but it was actually 3 different pieces. I hate when stores do that because it looks so cute, but is so expensive! And often not the right size, but anyway. Aeropostale was much more promising, got a shirt on sale (which looks great, btw) and two tank tops (also kind of sale-ish.) Oh, and we had to walk in GameStop, just to satisfy my sick need of being surrounded with hundreds of games.
For the first time in forever, I went in Claire's. Part of what got me in there was a Glee ad, and partly to see if their earrings were as cute as they were three years ago. I did end up buying some earrings, a ring (with a strawberry on it!), some bobby pins, and a stuffed penguin. I know, I'm a sucker for the little guys. Next came Ulta, where I spent way more than I meant to. I was looking for the China Glaze and OPI nail polishes and found the China ones first with a sale. I got 3, haha! I'm a sucker for nail polish. It's amazing, by the way. I've used two of them already and they've lasted through a bath, whoo! Didn't pick up any OPI, though, since it was $12.50 a bottle. I just don't believe in spending a fortune on makeup! Anyway, I also found those Maybellene Color Sensation things. It's a lip stain instead of a gloss or lipstick. I love it since it doesn't feel like I'm wearing anything. Kind of dries out your lips a little, though, so I'd suggest a good lip balm or gloss if you get any. (Eos lip balm, anyone?) Also found this concealer, but I'll wait until tomorrow to find out if it works. So far it's been worth the $35 I spent in there, haha! (Eventually I just had to make myself get out of there, so yeah, it could've been disastrous!)
Because it was my birthday and my daddy loves me and all, he drove back so I could go in Rue 21. Shirt on sale and some perfume. It's called Tarea and is my new favorite! And cheap to boot. Sales = <3
Dad had also been looking for a Coca Cola flavored slushie, and guess what we found? Slushies!:)
Oooh, this was so cool. Dad drove over to the Elvis Presley memorial thing and I got to see his house! Ahh it was so cool! Gah, I'm a dork, haha.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Learning Your Numbers+How NOT to Read!
Since school's started, I've noticed a few trends in my World History class: lack of knowledge of Roman Numerals and decent reading skills. I'll admit I'm not always a strong reader (even though Coach always calls on me and makes me read an entire page instead of a paragraph like everyone else. Gah, some people...) but at least I'll stop and look at the word so I don't have an HB moment.
This is part actually a funny story. This girl in my class (just HB for security's sake) was reading one day and the page said something about eternal damnation. Well when she read it, she said "eternal Dalmatian," so apparently we're all doomed to little spotted dogs.
OK, so Roman Numerals. Learn them! I = 1 (one), V = 5 (five), and X = 10 (ten). XIV = 14, XVI = 16. VIII = 8, XIII = 13. Believe it or not, someone actually made the last mistake.
Larger numerals come first. If there is a smaller one in front, subtract it from the next. Only ONE can go in front of a larger. IIX is NOT 8, you've just slapped some crap down and I have no idea what you were saying.
I'll tell you how I learned it -- I grew up on Disney cartoons and at the beginning of ever cartoon there's a "title page," if you will, and it has everything like "Walt Disney Production" and "Donald Duck Cartoon" along with the date in Roman Numerals. If it says MCMXL, I know the cartoon was made in 1940. (M = 1,000, C = 100, L = 50. Subtract the C from the second M and you have 1900. L minus X is 40; add it together and the year is 1940.) Cartoons got me started, but when I started playing the Final Fantasy games the whole thing was reinforced since they're all about some Roman Numerals.
Now take this sample from Wikipedia (my best friend):
"...sights on establishing a studio in the movie industry's capital city, Hollywood, California.
Disney and his brother pooled their money to set up a cartoon studio in Hollywood. Needing to find a distributor for his new Alice Comedies — which he started making while in Kansas City, but never got to distribute — Disney sent an unfinished print to New York distributor Margaret Winkler, who promptly wrote back to him. She was keen on a distribution deal with Disney for more live-action/animated shorts based upon Alice's Wonderland.
Alice Comedies
Virginia Davis (the live-action star of Alice’s Wonderland) and her family were relocated at Disney's request from Kansas City to Hollywood, as were Iwerks and his family. This was the beginning of the..."
Yes, it is the article on Walt Disney, because the man was a genius. "Hollywood" and "Alice Comedies" are headers for a section of the article. You do not have to read them! My real pet peeve is this one guy who always gets called on to read and I simply despise the way he reads. I can't type how it's said, but it grinds on my every last nerve to hear him read. Like I said, I'm not that great either. Sometimes I get to going too fast and the words jumble up in my head. (Mild form of dyslexia?)
OK, rant over. Now please excuse me while I write my English II paper...
I lied a little. I made ensemble! It's so exciting to get to sing and dance! Anyway, we've pretty much gotten our first song at least decent. Here's the real thing. BTW, our theme is Glee. How great is that show?!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
My friends come out of the closet!
So we were standing around today, waiting for the bell to ring to end class, and Wesley, Austin, and Sawyer go into the storage closet (where we put our robots when we're not working on them) to look at some kind of computer. Dylan has the bright idea to go over, close the door, and hold it closed to see what they do. So Sawyer yanks the door open and everyone looks over at the doorknob, which has been pulled half way out of the door. (This is where everyone starts making 'coming out' jokes.) Mrs. Welch walks over and puts it back in place, saying something about raising three boys and having to know how to fix things. :)
Wesley calls it his first gay moment, haha!
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Mall Haul!
OK, so my best friend Sarah and I went shopping today and hit the jackpot! I'll try to take you step by step, but I don't have the best memory. Bear with me, haha!
Old Navy is pretty pricey, but their clothes are acutally realistic sizes. These two shirts are both mediums! Sarah picked the sleeved one and mom found the beaded one. I know I was supposed to get away from black and white, but these were too cute!
Rue 21 is a lot better than I gave it credit! Sarah found that red shirt, and lemmetellya, it is adorable! Probably going to wear it Monday to school. The ear rings were a must, simply because of the strawberries. And my little wallet? Love it! I had to pick between that one and a green zebra striped one, but that was the only star one I saw, and I'm all about the uniqueness. That black jacket right there is probably my favorite item of today. Can't wait to wear it.
After this, we went into Sally's, but didn't get anything. I didn't find the eyelash curler I was looking for and Sarah didn't find her Jessica Simpson hair extentions. Oh, but the nail polish...
Shoe Carnival was having a sale, so I got these babies for $11! They're so comfortable, too, it's like walking on a cloud! A cloud! Ha!
So we drove to the mall and ate. Mmm, Chick-fil-a...
I don't know where we went first, so let's start with JCPenny. I saw these shirts on the mannequin and thought, "We have to get one of those!" But there was a 'buy one get one for $1' sale, so I got two.
Ulta is actually a really cool store, despite their lack of check out ladies. Got some bronzer and a lash curler. It wasn't the Shu Uemura like I'd heard about, but I figured it was pretty good. And the bronzer has a mirror and brush with it! How cool is that?
Sarah got me into this store called Rainbow, which at first glance had some good stuff, but I dont' know if I'd go in again. Not trying to be rude or anything, but it kind of felt like a black person's store. Nothing wrong with that, but it's not my style. I did, however, find the vest like I've been looking for! Gonna wear it with my peace sign t-shirt.
Even with all the money I had left at this point, I still wasn't willing to spend $10 on a bottle of lotion. Even if it was lemon scented... :(
Anyway, Sarah and I both got one of these. It's hand sanitizer, smells great, and has this little holder/clippy thing and is on my keys right now!
Aeropostale returns! I've always wanted an Aeropostale shirt (well, one that I can wear to school) and finally found one. It is way expensive in there. Not as bad as Abercrombie, but still. The price wasn't too bad, though, so that was cool.
I needed some bracelets BAD, so I got some. :P
And, of course, what's a mall run without GameStop? I'm a sucker for a man in assassin's robes, haha! No, but really, I love the history ties in these games. I already knew some of my history class because of them... Plus, it is SO satisfying to stab a guy in the face! I know, you're thinking, "But Susan, why didn't you get Left 4 Dead 2?" While that is pretty much my favorite game of all time, the used game was $35 and the new was $40, hardly worth it yet. Oh, yeah, and the whole rated M thing. Psshh, I can so pass for 17....
Couple weird things today. There were like a million sales on jeans, but I didn't get any. Dang. And for going in with $216 and leaving with $26, I didn't do half bad. Did I mention I love a good sale? Haha :)
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Loooong week....
My dad was in the hospital for a good part of this week, so I haven't even been home longer than it takes us to let the dog out.
Anyway, he's all better now, came home yesterday, and doing good as far as I can tell.
Right now I'm kinda tired, spent all day yesterday cleaning and then had to sleep in my own bed (lol).
Yup, but things are getting back to normal. Playin some Assassin's Creed, watchin some FMA (Brotherhood FTW!) and freaking over Al's woman voice. (Yeah, to see more about that, check out my other blog.)
Ciao for now~
Friday, July 30, 2010
More Pencils, More Rulebooks, More Teacher's Dirty Looks...
Monday, July 26, 2010
Exercise makes me hate life?!
Now don't get your panties in a wad, I was totally busy today, so updates may come sparingly. Why? Band camp. One of my favorite weeks of the year in my high school life. Except for all the exercise. And the marching. And the occasional color guard drama. Other than that, love it!
Yes, the absolute worst part of this week is the exercises we do with the color guard. Guard has to do them for like, EVER, which is one of the main reasons I can never be on color guard. That, and the fact that I'm a terrible marcher. But those exercises make me hate life itself! If I didn't know it only lasted a week, I would've quit band last year. It has gotten easier since I lost weight over Christmas, but I still hate it. I'm perfectly fine with being a couch potato, thanks.
Definitely no disrespect meant toward color guard peeps. I really respect that you can even do half the stuff you do! Just be glad I'm not trying to inflict my crappiness on you!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Naruto Spoilers?!
Date: Thursday, July 15, 2010
Location: Sister's house
I haven't been asleep at all tonight.
Partly because I've got 'girl problems.'
Partly because I'm talking to my brother.
Partly because there's satelite there and I have no TV channels at home.
The last thing hit me earlier. When I'm here, I usually plan out what I'm going to watch, since I try to get in all the shows I used to love. Along with Dexter's Lab, Degrassi, Invader Zim, etc., I threw in an episode of Naruto Shippuden for some anime. Hey, I haven't watched any in about 3 days, I'm in dire need of some Bleach (which actually only comes on Cartoon Network on Saturdays. Can you believe it?) And I haven't even finished the original Naruto. That being said, I've kind of ruined the whole thing for myself. Even though the episode was just Sakura bawling her eyes out and being useless, I've seen enough to ruin it. The title of the episode was "Sakura's Tears." I already know she becomes like a white mage of ninjas and all, but she could've healed herself. Gah, still useless, I see. And Orochimaru? (Also, spelling on that?) I thought he would've died by now. I dont' like him. And new guy. Sai. I don't like him.
Gah, I'm sorry but that just gets me! Sakura is a disgrace to anime girls everywhere. (Well, maybe not as bad as the girls on KissxSis, now THAT'S a disturbing show!) Anyway, she's so useless! Remember Orihime? She's stupid and annoying, too, but at least she's helpful on occasion! Also, Jiggles, LOL.
But I may just not like Naruto as much as I think I do.
What, what?
Monday, July 12, 2010
Night Owl or Insomniac?
Also, shout out to my first follower! Haha, I'm a dork... But hope you enjoy some of this junk! :D
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Babies are SRS BZNS!
Actually it's really not that long. My granma found a kitten, abandoned, and gave it to my cousin's mama who gave it to my mama. The little guy/girl's only about a week old. The real kicker is this is the closest I've ever come to caring for a baby.
I'm always so scared of it. I'm worried about hold it too tight or not feeding it enough or if it's not eating right. I mean it's always crying! I can't take the crying!
More than anything, will I be like this with my kids? Mom said they can tell when you're nervous, and man was I nervous just a second ago. Guess I'll find out someday.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Crazy Dreams?!
Anyway, in my dream, I went to Wal-Mart and got like 4 boxes of the stuff. And I also got donuts for some reason. Then I dreamed my mom had a job at McDonald's and hated it, so when we went through the drive-thru, the lady at the window was all "Thank you so much for still working here!" And that was it.
But I'm pretty sure I saw Renji from Bleach walking around Wal-Mart.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
TV = Bleach = Clorox?!
What the heck does it have to do with bleach?!
I mean, after 29 episodes (that's how much I've watched so far) you'd think you could at least piece it together. Naruto = main character's name (original, huh?), Death Note = kid gets a notebook of death, Fullmetal Alchemist = Ed's title, Ouran High School Host Club = self explanitory, but Bleach? We got a spikey-headed kid running around fighting ghosts with Cloud's Buster Sword. Don't get me wrong, I like the show, but what kind of title is that?!
OK, here's where I get to be mean. I really don't like Orihime. I mean, c'mon man, she's an idiot! And yet she's more useful than Sakura was through at least the first 72 episodes of Naruto...
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
YTC: EdxWin Fluffyness!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Father's Day PSA
My sister is my mother and my father is a man-whore. Sounds kind of like a riddle, huh? No, no, no, I'm not talking about my parents right now, I love them to death. This is a nice way of describing my birth parents. The rest of the story isn't anybody else's business, so consider this what you'd read on the back of my tell-all book.
You got both of your real parents? Great! You still got your real mother or father? Still good. My parents right now may not be my biological parents, but they're the best thing that's ever happened to me. My sister is just that, a sister, a friend. I love her, but I don't know if I could've accepted her as my mother. I know she worrys about me, too, and I'm glad one of them still cares about me.
I've never met my biological father. Honestly, you know what he is to me? A jackass. I talked to my sister about him one time, and she asked why I hated him and not her. I'd never really thought about it before then. I said then that it was because he left and she didn't. I don't know, that may actually be why I don't care for him. I do intend to meet him someday, though, and find out for myself. Heck, if I look at it all from the right angle, I've pieced my family together through friends and half-relatives. But hey, they love me, and I'm perfectly happy with that. Thanks for being there for me, guys, love you all! :)
This goes out to all my family: Mom, Dad, Kim, Christy, Summer, Brianna, Tyler, Chris (who gave me the inspiration for this; I know how you feel, and hope you can get on better terms with it someday), Mr. C, and Alex.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
(And if you look close enough, not close enough to see the stitching, but still close, you might see where I've got it pinned since I'm still working on it. Wal-Mart has a severe lack of belt buckles. Also, gloves are the worst!)
I know it's almost childish, but I'm kind of jealous right now. I can't say who because I don't even really know (said person may or may not have been at band camp two years ago...??) but I have good reason. And facebook! It is both my best friend and worst enemy!
OK, time to let my dorkiness shine through: I've been working on a cosplay costume. Lightning from Final Fantasy XIII. Almost done, just missing some details. I know, I'm a dork. I want to get some pictures on here, but my camera's acting up and the ones I have on m laptop are pretty old. They look like pieces of material, now I can wear it and you'll know who I am! In fact, I'll go put on what I've got so I can get a good picture for this. Man, I am a dorkfish.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Looking Back: 9th Grade
Wow, now that I think about it, my brother was actually here for almost half of this year. He had to move in November. Back then I was still that quiet little person with almost no friends and only ever played E rated games. Yes, I was that person! My first M was Assassin's Creed 2, and MAN had I been missing out! I remember the night I got it, too. Dad got us out at midnight to go to a Wal-Mart like an hour away from where we usually go. The lady got the game for me then turned around and was all "Are you seventeen?" and I said "No..." I almost felt bad for buying that game. Anyway, a big part of what helped me this year was this class called Personal Development. Now none of us knew what it was, some thought it was sex ed, others like a psychology thing, y'know? But it's actually more like leadership. Anyway, we had to make a speech in front of the whole class almost every week, and a year ago I could've never done anything like that, but now I'm OK with it.
I remember all those football games and being kind of clueless when stuff happened, askin' the guys what was goin' on. Some of them didn't know either, but still. I remember standin' all alone in the bleachers so I went and stood with the trumpets and stickin' my flute in Corey's face when I was about to play. I also remember losing my hat, which I never found... Hopefully Mr. C will figure it out.
I'm pretty sure this semester was a bit more eventful. I was hangin' around more people, and I've got three best friends now and a load of friends. I got higher grades and more awards, which was kind of odd I guess. I don't feel like I worked hard. But like I said, I found out who my friends were and I found out who's still not worth my time and I found out who really should be. The guy I told y'all about with his girlfriend and all? His daughter was born this month, the 5th I think. Oh, he rubbed me the wrong way a while back. But that was my lesson in karma for the year. I mean it can't've been that bad since me and the other guy are still friends, but Mr. Teenage Dad needs to mind his own freakin' business.
Oh man, I played Left 4 Dead 2 for the first time this year, and I love me some zombie killin'! And Ellis's Keith stories are the best! I also played Final Fantasy XIII and the first Assassin's Creed for the first time just here recently. Haven't finished any of them, but L4D was borrowed (thanks, bro!), one's my nephew's, and the other is mine, but I've been on a gaming hiatus since I had to give up my zombies.
Man, so much crazy junk happened this year, I don't even know how I made it through. Glad I did, though. I made it through with more confidence, how to play rummy, my BFFs, zombie snippin', karma, memories of coaches playing dodgeball, and finally watchin' The Hangover. All in all, great year.
(Between you and me, I miss Oklahoma like mad. What I wouldn't give for a drive around Blackwell and some Braum's ice cream... As many memories as I have out there, I just don't think I could give up my place here, in Mississippi. Love y'all :) )
Saturday, May 1, 2010
If you like this, you'll love...
- If you like Twilight, you'll love the House of Night series!
OK, even I've read Twilight. I never thought it was that great, but there are some people out there who would die if they met Edward fricking Cullen. But the House of Night? Man, what a story. And it comes from an author who was already pretty well known! It's got romance, vampires, suspense... Many things that Twilight did rather poorly.
- If you like Harry Potter, you'll love The Alchemist!
Ah, magic is in the air! Haha! While HP is pretty much over, save for a movie, The Alchemist is a book I picked up a few years ago while in Oklahoma, and I never put that sucker down the whole time we were out there until I got done with it. Two days straight, just reading! I've got the second book, but have been preoccupied. I'm pretty sure they're still writing them, but I'm not sure. But hey, get to Amazon and buy yourself that book!
- If you like Avatar, you'll love Naruto!
I know, dorky, huh? And I'm talking about the real Avatar, not the crappy movie with the over sized Smurfs. In a lot of ways, Naruto actually reminds me of the old show. You'd just have to watch it to smell what I'm stepping in. Remember, give it a chance!
- If you like gaming, you'll love cosplay!
I take that back, this is probably worse than Naruto. I have to say, cosplay is just about the craziest form of creativity. Still, go check out JenxtheJinx on YouTube or The Legend of Neil. Hilarity ensues.
- If you like Left 4 Dead, you'll love Zombieland!
OK, this pretty much goes without saying. It's zombies, man! Except in Zombieland, you're watching zombies and L4D you actually kill them. Well, movies are for people (like me) who are kinda sucky at first-person shooters.
Well that's all for now, just thought I'd update! I thought it was a pretty good idea, anyway...
Monday, April 26, 2010
Anime Weekend??
I have a guilty pleasure.
I know, pretty weird, huh? Well I guess that goes to show you just how bored I get on most of my weekends. OK, so it started Saturday, and I was bored (as usual) and said to myself, "Since I always liked Sailor Moon when I was little, why not see what the actual show was like?" I came. I saw. I... Didn't care much for it, actually. It may just be one of those things you outgrow.
Actually, anime's been around for a while with me, I just never knew it. My first was, what, Pokemon? Digimon? I don't know. But we all know how both of those ended up. Digimon's a canceled reject of a show and Pokemon's stuck on endless loop, only with new pokemon they thought of when they got drunk last Friday night. Kidding. Maybe.
So I said, "Dang, little kid disappointment. What else is there?" Then I remembered: Naruto.
Yes, I've hit rock bottom in coolness. But hey, ninjas man, FTW!
The weird thing is, I liked it a lot more than I wanted to. It's kind of like Death Note... Actually it's nothing like Death Note, I just wanted a comparison. It's sort of like an iPod. There are some cool songs on it that most people like, but then there's stuff that no one's heard of/listens to anymore (Ex., in my case, Alice in Videoland, David Bowie, Maximum the Hormone, The Beatles) and would make fun of you for even having on there. Naruto = David Bowie. Wow, that's a bit weirder than I thought it'd be.
P.S. - I know I say this all the time, but I've got an excuse! SATs. Nuf said. Actually this is the first time I've taken them, and they suck like those tests we took in grade school.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Tan Lines and Funnel Cakes =]
I say that every time I get on here, though...
So if you live in northeast MS, you know that there's this thing every April called the Railroad Festival and is THE place to be (since it's pretty much the most interesting thing that happens around here). We went at about noon today and I left at about, I don't know, 5? 6? Pretty late. Saw a TON of people I knew and even saw some of my friends perform in thier bands. (Which were AWESOME, by the way!)
Oh yeah, it was Friday, wasn't it? Usually we're off school today for the RRF, but not today because of snow last winter. But yeah, screw school. I even saw some of my teachers up there. LOL!
OK, so this is pretty useless and random, but I felt like sticking it out there. Also, what is with everyone and Justin Beiber? I wish people would stop making fun of her.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Lesbians make us Famous??
Anyway, I feel kinda famous. sxephil on YouTube just talked about the girls who wanted to go to the prom as each other's date! Why am I so excited about such a blasphemous act? I live like 20 miles from it all! Who knew Mississippi was news-worthy?
And about the gay/lesbian thing, don't get me wrong. I don't agree with it as it is clearly stated in the Bible as being wrong, but it's their choice to make, not mine. It's not my business to tell you who to like and unless a chick hits on me I'm not really gonna care a whole lot.
And thus concludes today's episode. I'd link some stuff but I'm lazy.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Licenses = Bad!!
Gosh, what is it about certain people? That you get this funny feeling in your stomach when you're around them? And what kinda scares me is that it's probably not for everyone. I've always believed that there is one person perfect for just one other, but apparently not. I'm afraid I'm going to end up the lonely old cat lady that sits and plays Halo all the time. And, well, I've gotten to where I don't want to be alone all the time. If I can, I want to be with people. That's what really scares me about dieing, I think, is being alone. I don't want to be alone when it happens, I want someone with me, someone who'll care.
And gosh, why am I so impatient? I don't know, I may just be getting desperate. I end up falling too fast, and I'm kind of scared I'll get him scared. I'm only one person after all.
Dang, Miley Cyrus on American Idol is making my ears bleed. Yes, you needed to know that.
But yeah, just one of those things about life... This crazy little thing called love, I guess.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Sugar Honey Ice Tea!
Reality? Time flies too fast. I'm 15. I'm in the 9th grade. I can drive (with a licensed adult over the age of 21). I hate realizing these things because it happens too fast. I used to be this quiet, geeky chick with like two friends, now I'm third chair flute, a good study partner/tutor, and I'm around a bunch of people all the time.
I miss my brother, and heck, I sorta miss my used-to-be brother. I miss my Mammaw who died last March, and it keeps me from sleeping at night because I'm afraid of myself or someone I know dying. I hate that said used-to-be was seemingly really offended by a post, and yeah, he has the right to be, I'm not saying I was right. I hate that the guy I like won't look at me and won't keep a conversation with me going. I hate how someone you used to be best friends with will just up and leave one day.
More reality? I don't know, just look around you. Just thinking about it kinda makes me sick. Sometimes I wonder if it's really the best thing to have children. My sister's pregnant right now, and eventually her baby will learn about life and death and God and everything in between. Sometimes that stuff weirds me out, and what if it weirds out little Lima? (family joke) I'm concerned because it would be nice to go through life on a breeze, but you'll learn sooner or later. That kind of worrying isn't a good feeling.
I know I have problems; we all do. Yes, even you, the perfect, toothpick-waist blonde in the back. And I don't know, you've just got to do what your heart tells you. Trust in God and he won't let you down. :)
And P.S. (for kicks and giggles) -- I have a huge, puppy crush on a guy whose best friend may or may not end up reading this... Kinda hope he does though, this is for him. :)
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Band trip video!!
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Band trips and my first YouTube video!
This'll be my first REAL YouTube video. Me and my cousin have been trying for a while to think of a good idea, so maybe this'll give us a head start. I found this great editing program from Microsoft, so I can just go ahead and fix up everything on my laptop. Hope to see you soon!
Friday, February 19, 2010
More Avatar?!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Apple iMaxiPad?!?
Do I think it'll sell? Maybe. Sure, it's neat, but if I was buying an "i" product right now, I'd probably still get an iPhone (but my 2nd gen. iPod has served me well the past few years!!). They all run on AT&T anyway, so there'd probably still be connection problems from time to time.
Y'all know I love Phil, so here's what he's got to say about it, plus 5 secret uses for the iPad that they didn't tell you about in the unveiling... And my favorite. :)
Thursday, January 21, 2010
YTC: the Death Note special!!
First stop is a parody, of course. Light's just too smart to be ADD, if you ask me, but hey, I'm just here for the LULZ. Also, OH MY GOD WHERE?!
This is close to the beginning, since there's something about the first seven minutes of the first episode that's illegal in the US. Just Wikipedia it, you're not missing THAT much....
And here is my favorite scene from the show so far. Well, probably this and that time they mentioned Light being good with his hands.... I saw that joke coming before they did.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Avatar Review
Basically it's set in the future where we've found a new planet (where the Avatars live) and we want to sign a peace treaty with them so we can destroy their planet. Lovely, no? Well science is so advanced now that they've created an Avatar body and can put a human's mind in it, but they can't figure out how to get a guy out of a wheelchair. Just watch it to know the rest, I slept through some of it.
Three things really came out at me. First was all the other references. First it reminded me of Halo, then Star Wars, then Final Fantasy, it was just a big mash-up of pop culture. Second would be all the people with "Avatar depression," where they are so disappointed their life isn't like Avatar that they are depressed. This has got to be the stupidest thing I've ever heard! It's a movie! Which you go to the movies to see! If you want movies about life, watch March of the Penguins. I've never watched that movie, but I don't want a movie about life.
Lastly would be the deleted sex scene. Now it was kinda nasty when they started snogging in the middle of the movie, but a sex scene? I almost think it wasn't deleted. Just listen to what Phil has to say about it, I agree with him. Beastiality? Yes.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
More filler!!....
:::NEWSFLASH::: It is now 54 days until Final Fantasy XIII. I'm so excited, I have the countdown written on my hand in permanent marker. Now onto some real news.
I miss last semester when I never had to do any work. Now I've got Biology, Algebra, and Agriculture. Algebra wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. Everyone always said they hated the teacher, but she must just be a hard coach, because I don't think she's that bad. It's actually a lot like my 7th and 8th grade math class. Biology, man, I love the teacher, but just being in her class make me sick. If you know me, you know I can not stand any kind of science, and this is like the study of life! And Ag is fine, I like the teacher, but the class is a bit boring sometimes. He's big on trivia, though, so I get to put all of my useless knowledge to use.
I also had an idea. I'm going to track down a plain white hoodie, sew the hood to a point, get some of my dad's iron on paper to put the Assassin's Creed logo on it, and go around poking people in the kidneys. I told my mom about it and she said, "No you wouldn't!" and we all know I would. There used to be an airbrush place in the mall, maybe it's still open and would just sell me the shirt.....
Umm.... Yeah, already out of stuff. Well, that I can think of right now. So go check this out. It's hilarious! Oh, and see if you can find the Link sprite ;)
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Pet Peeves...
1. Dropping food on the floor. Sounds little right? It should be. I don't know what it is, but I get so angry when I drop food on the floor. Maybe it's just falling things that shouldn't be, cause I was really mad that night dad and Zelda worked together to knock all my books off a table in my room.
2. People who do/say things that I can do/say myself. It can be something as simple as one of my friends turning my computer on for me in STEM, but I don't like it. It really bugs me. It just does. But my dad is the world's worst to put words in my mouth. No, I am not upset because I didn't get to drive today, I'm disappointed because if I had asked mom to get a Facebook, she would've said no, but my sister can come in here and say, "How bout you get a Facebook?" and mom's all for it.
3. Immature perverted guys. I know, I know, I'm preachin to the choir, but there's a difference. Where as I am good at "That's what she said" jokes, there are some guys who just don't know when to stop. There is a time and place for everything, and that stuff is not for every second of every day in every place.
4. Games that leave you hangin at the end. This just speaks for itself. "Go Desmond, save the world from a bunch of stuff that I don't really care about cause it's more fun playing with Ezio!" And then what? No saving the world from impending doom that I can't name right now cause it wasn't as interesting as the rest of the game. Also, why 2012? Sure, the Mayan calender ends, but after writing out 2011 years, wouldn't you get lazy and stop, too? Off track there... But Final Fantasy VII was the worst ending ever. Finished it at 2 o'clock in the morning. I run to my parent's room, crying, and they think something's wrong. And it is. Worst. Ending. EVER. I only recovered after watching Advent Children three hours later.
5. Girls who let guys take over their life (and then complain about it). YES, Kim, this means you. I'm sorry and all that he broke up with you, but A) I honestly agree that he's too old for you. He's a nice guy, but still too old. I warned you about jail bait, which you are a prime example of. And B) He's going to National Guard anyway, you really think you could have a long-distance relationship? I don't see that working out either, cause every day you'd be all "Aww, I miss him so much...." I don't do mushy crap like that. And please, get over it and eat something. It kinda scares me. Sure, I have a week or so every summer where I'm just not hungry, but I still eat something. I will say that even though we're teenagers, we probably do know a bit more about love than some parents give us credit. Some of us get carried away with it, but you just gotta know when to let it go... as in now. Don't go anorexic and start swearin you head off. It's not pretty. You've got like 60-somethin years of life ahead of you, don't stop living it over a guy! But I know there will be others, and we'll just have to go through all this again.... *sighs*
Sunday, January 3, 2010